Back Pain- Inflammatory versus Degenerative

Back Pain- Inflammatory versus Degenerative

I see quite a few inflammatory arthritis patients as part of my practice. That includes patients with inflammatory back pain. Of course many of my patients also have degenerative arthritis related lower back pain. This video is meant to help people understand the...
Introducing the Regenerative Medicine Report podcast

Introducing the Regenerative Medicine Report podcast

Regenerative Medicine Report is a new podcast I have started that is focused on regenerative medicine and musculoskeletal wellness. It will be a mix of educational and interview style episodes. To listen: Or subscribe via ITunes or any...
New Office Introduction Video

New Office Introduction Video

I’m really excited to be in the new office. Here is an intro to the practice video we will be using for patients. To learn more about us, services we offer, and philosophy of care, check out the following links: -Chicago Arthritis Blog. -Regenerative Medicine...