
Patient Background

Dr. Siddharth Tambar, an expert in regenerative medicine and rheumatology, shares the case of a 46-year-old male patient, a construction worker with progressive knee pain. Despite conservative treatments like steroid injections and anti-inflammatory medications, the patient continued to experience significant pain due to moderate osteoarthritis in his left knee.

Diagnosis and Treatment Selection

An MRI revealed not only moderate osteoarthritis in the medial joint but also bone marrow edema, or swelling, in the subchondral bone. This swelling can exacerbate pain and lead to further cartilage breakdown. Given the patient’s condition and activity level, Dr. Tambar decided to use the patient’s own bone marrow concentrated stem cells for treatment.

Treatment Procedure

The treatment began with a bone marrow aspiration from the back of the patient’s iliac crest, taking samples from multiple spots for a better cell count. The bone marrow was processed on-site into a high concentration of stem cells and platelet-rich plasma. These were then precisely injected into the medial joint, medial collateral ligament, and the subchondral bone under ultrasound and x-ray guidance.

Aftercare and Expectations

Post-treatment, the patient experienced increased inflammation for a few days, managed with crutches and a knee brace. Due to his physically demanding job, he was off work for one week and then on light duty for another week. Improvement is expected within three to four weeks, with continued progress over six to twelve months, leading to pain relief and enhanced functional ability.


This case highlights the effectiveness of using bone marrow concentrated stem cells for treating knee osteoarthritis, especially when bone swelling is involved. Dr. Tambar emphasizes the importance of precise treatment and appropriate aftercare to achieve the best outcomes.

Bone Marrow Concentrate

Barbara’s Stem Cell Treatment: Left/Right Knees | Chicago Arthritis Testimonial

Podcast- Regenerative Medicine Report