
Initial Diagnosis and Treatment

Barbara experienced a flare-up in her rotator cuff, causing severe shoulder pain. She scheduled a PRP injection with Dr. Tambar. An MRI revealed she had calcific tendonitis. Dr. Tambar performed two procedures: the first involved removing some of the calcium using a syringe and a pumping action.

Improvement and Further Treatment

This initial procedure improved her pain level by about 40%. Before the treatment, she was in so much pain that she could hardly move her arm or sleep. A couple of weeks later, she underwent PRP injections.

Results and Gratitude

Four months after the PRP injections, her shoulder improved by about 80%. She is very pleased with Dr. Tambar’s expertise and the staff’s support. She is grateful to have undergone these treatments, avoiding many procedures that traditional medicine would have recommended.

Shoulder Instability and Rotator Cuff Injuries

Stem Cell Treatment- Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear

See how we treat rotator cuff tendinitis with bone marrow concentrate stem cells.