Regenerative medicine in Musculoskeletal care
In this video we discuss why regenerative medicine is being used for arthritis, tendinitis, injuries, and back pain.
Hello, this is Siddharth Tambar from Chicago arthritis and regenerative medicine. In this video I’ll be talking about a fundamental issue which is “why regenerative medicine in musculoskeletal care”.
So regenerative medicine is the utilization of cell based treatments like your own blood, platelets, other chemicals, bone marrow derived stem cells to treat orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions including arthritis, tendinitis, injuries, and back pain. So why Regenerative medicine. Why is that even an option that we should be considering and discussing.
First and foremost it’s because our current options can be better. As an example in 2015 the British medical journal came out with a article that showed that only 20% of current Orthopedic surgeries meet level 1 evidence. That’s the highest level of evidence that scientific and medical studies can go through and only 20% of the surgeries that are done really meet that criteria. That means 80% may have some utility but are not really hitting the highest mark. It’s an opportunity for can we do better? Not just only on the surgical end, but are there ways that we can treat some of those conditions non-surgically to get an equivalent or better response.
Number two, we need to look for lower risk options that can give similar or better results. So for an example a number of studies over the last 10 to 15 years have shown that if somebody already has knee osteoarthritis a routine meniscectomy surgery where you shave down the meniscus or routine arthroscopy to shave down some of the cartilage is no better than just physical therapy. We need more lower risk options. Those are opportunities where regenerative medicine can actually help.
Lastly traditional medicine for Orthopedic conditions is generally to take a very conservative approach until a condition reaches a very end stage level where now only a surgical solution may be beneficial. And in the meantime, utilizing conservative measures such as physical therapy, manual therapy, acupuncture, and Chiropractic which are all good low-risk options. But to also use other options that have a bit more risks, including anti-inflammatory medications, narcotic medications, and even steroid injections which all have potential risks if utilized in a long-term fashion. So again areas where we can do better and regenerative medicine has the potential to fill in that gap.
So how can we do better? Well, we can help with regenerative medicine to improve instability to improve certain degenerative conditions, including osteoarthritis and tendinitis. To reduce chronic inflammation in a joint or tendon. If a joint has been acutely traumatized we may be able to help in that kind of case as well. If someone has an acute soft tissue injury of a ligament a lot of time that can partially repair but you may be able to get a better response in terms of repair and functional Improvement if you can utilize a regenerative medicine treatment. And there’s also some evidence that you can augment some surgeries of the knee and the shoulder with cell based treatments as well. These are all places where regenerative medicine has a role.
So why regenerative medicine, it’s because we can do better in a lot of traditional cases. It’s because we don’t have a lot of great options in some cases. And it’s because some of the options that we’re using already can be augmented with some cell-base regenerative medicine treatments as well. Hope that gives some perspective on where and why regenerative medicine It is something that has a role in Orthopedic care and musculoskeletal care. Thank you for your time. Have a good day and live well, bye bye.

Siddharth Tambar MD from Chicago Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine discusses why platelet rich plasma and bone marrow aspirate concentrate stem cells are used for pain and orthopedic conditions.
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***About this video***
In this video Siddharth Tambar MD from Chicago Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine discusses why regenerative medicine treatments such as PRP and Stem Cells are being used for arthritis, tendinitis, injuries, and back pain.