Jul 28, 2020 | Blog, regenerative medicine
Episode 11- Bone Spurs and Regenerative Medicine -Bone Spurs, when are they significant? -Instability and Regenerative medicine. -Cases where bone spurs are not significant and can just be followed. -Cases where treating can be helpful- calcific tendinitis, tendon...
Jul 23, 2020 | Blog, regenerative medicine, Rheumatoid arthritis, Shoulder
Weekly Live Replay- 20200722 Topics: Advanced imaging for arthritis and tendinitis: Pros and Cons. How to use smartly. Examples: -Joint instability. -Joint inflammation/early rheumatoid arthritis. -Targeting treatment in shoulder arthritis. Chicago Arthritis and...
Jul 22, 2020 | Blog, regenerative medicine, Rheumatoid arthritis, Shoulder
Our Weekly Live Live broadcast 2020-07-22 Topics: Advanced imaging for arthritis and tendinitis: Pros and Cons. How to use smartly. Examples: -Joint instability. -Joint inflammation/early rheumatoid arthritis. -Targeting treatment in shoulder arthritis. Chicago...
Jul 21, 2020 | Ankle, Blog, Hip, Knee, PRP, regenerative medicine, Tendinitis, tendonitis
Weekly Education Broadcast- Replay 20200720 -Bone Spurs, when are they significant? -Instability and Regenerative medicine. -Cases where bone spurs are not significant and can just be followed. -Cases where treating can be helpful- calcific tendinitis, tendon...
Jul 20, 2020 | Ankle, Blog, Knee, Regenerative, regenerative medicine, Shoulder
Weekly Education Broadcast live- 20200720 -Bone Spurs, when are they significant? -Instability and Regenerative medicine. -Cases where bone spurs are not significant and can just be followed. -Cases where treating can be helpful- calcific tendinitis, tendon...
Jul 19, 2020 | Blog, Hip, Knee, PRP, Regenerative, regenerative medicine, Regenexx, Shoulder, Stem Cells
Weekly Live Live broadcast replay- 2020/07/15 -Covid19 Rising numbers in the country, stabilized numbers here locally. Staying focused on prevention. Vaccine. -Cases Different sorts of patients, different expectations of regenerative treatments. Case 1: Young man with...