Sep 13, 2020 | Blog, regenerative medicine
Personalized Care in Regenerative MedicineA major strength of regenerative medicine care for musculoskeletal conditions is the ability to personalize treatment based on your condition, severity of pathology, and other medical comorbidities. In this video you’ll...
Sep 2, 2020 | Blog, regenerative medicine, Webinar
The Truth about Regenerative Medicine Webinar- 20200902 What you’ll learn from this webinar:-What are the best available treatments for arthritis/tendinitis that do not require surgery- for example stem cell, blood/platelet treatments.-What is legit and not legit in...
Aug 31, 2020 | Arthritis, Blog, Tendinitis
How does Cancer effect how we treat your Arthritis and Tendinitis. Weekly Education Meeting- 20200831 Topics: -History of Cancer and treatment of arthritis and tendinitis. How it affects stem cell and PRP treatments. How it affects biologic medication treatments....