Hip Labral tears

Hip Labral tears

Hip Labral tears-What does the hip labrum do?-What does it mean if it’s been torn?-What are the symptoms to suggest a torn hip labrum?-Why it matters whether you have a degenerative or acute traumatic Labral tear.-When should you consider hip labrum surgery.-When...
Personalized Care in Regenerative Medicine

Personalized Care in Regenerative Medicine

Personalized Care in Regenerative MedicineA major strength of regenerative medicine care for musculoskeletal conditions is the ability to personalize treatment based on your condition, severity of pathology, and other medical comorbidities. In this video you’ll...
Testimonial- PRP treatment for Knees and Lower back- 20200901

Testimonial- PRP treatment for Knees and Lower back- 20200901

Testimonial- PRP treatment for Knees and Lower back. ***For more educational content:Sign up for our email newsletter:https://chicagoarthritis.com/newsletter/ See our blog:https://chicagoarthritis.com/blog/ Listen to the Regenerative Medicine Report...
3 Supplement Alternatives to Chronic Anti Inflammatory Medications

3 Supplement Alternatives to Chronic Anti Inflammatory Medications

3 Supplement Alternatives to Chronic Anti Inflammatory Medications Our weekly Live broadcast 20200902. Topic:3 Supplement options instead of anti inflammatory medications for pain.-Glucosamine chondroitin-Omega3-Curcumin/Turmeric Hello, this is Siddharth Tambar from...
The Truth about Regenerative Medicine

The Truth about Regenerative Medicine

The Truth about Regenerative Medicine Webinar- 20200902 What you’ll learn from this webinar:-What are the best available treatments for arthritis/tendinitis that do not require surgery- for example stem cell, blood/platelet treatments.-What is legit and not legit in...