
Avoiding medication for rheumatoid arthritis is a question many patients ponder. Dr. Siddharth Tambar, a specialist in rheumatology and regenerative medicine, sheds light on this topic.

Critical Diagnosis: Ensuring Accuracy in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Firstly, ensuring an accurate diagnosis is crucial. Other conditions like underactive thyroid or fibromyalgia might not require the same treatment.

Mild or Moderate to Severe RA

Severity matters too. If inflammation is evident in tests and imaging, prompt treatment is vital to prevent disease progression.

Time Plays A Significant Role

Early intervention can prevent long-term damage.

For mild cases, conservative approaches like dietary changes can suffice, but regular check-ins with your rheumatologist are essential. 

For moderate to severe cases warrant caution. Delaying medication can worsen symptoms and lead to irreversible damage.


While most cases require medication, proper management can improve outcomes and quality of life. Ultimately, consulting with your physician is key to navigating treatment options effectively.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

How is Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosed?

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