
Initial Injury and Traditional Treatments

At the age of 66, Barbara injured a ligament in her knee. This injury caused severe pain and swelling, making it difficult for her to sleep or put weight on her knee. Seeking relief, she consulted two orthopedic doctors. The first provided a cortisone injection, which offered only temporary relief. The second doctor reviewed her MRI, identified a meniscus tear, and recommended surgery. Desperate for a solution after months of pain, she scheduled the surgery.

Discovering Regenexx and Dr. Tambar

In her search for alternatives, she discovered Regenexx and was intrigued by their approach. She made an appointment with Dr. Tambar, who reviewed her MRI, conducted an examination, and addressed her questions. When she asked if she should proceed with meniscus surgery, Dr. Tambar’s response was clear: “Absolutely not. That’s not where your pain is coming from.” Relieved, she canceled her surgery, which was scheduled for six days later, and opted for PRP injections with Dr. Tambar instead.

The PRP Procedure

The PRP procedure was relatively painless. Dr. Tambar numbed her knee and performed the injection. The bone augmentation into her patella was slightly more painful, but the entire procedure took about an hour. She went home with a knee brace, crutches, and pain medications, which she used for a couple of days. Although her knee was initially swollen, it showed progressive improvement over the next few weeks.

Recovery and Gratitude

Three weeks after the procedure, she was able to hike a mile and a half using a brace and walking stick. Her knee continued to improve steadily, and a year and a half later, it is about 90 percent better. She is extremely grateful for Regenexx, Dr. Tambar, and the PRP procedures that allowed her to avoid surgery and find relief outside of traditional medical options.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

How to treat Chronic Injuries- Regenerative Medicine approach

Chicago Arthritis Patient Testimonials